Happy 2023!
Christmas week was very cool here with lows in the 40’s and windy. Normally I would not even think to cover my tree orchids until we hit the 30s, but I should have. My dendrobiums told me that about 6 days after it was over by serious leaf yellowing. This time I think it was the low temps on somewhat weakened plants from Ian. It will be interesting to see how they rebloom. So many of the phals are in spike with some of the blossoms dehydrated and falling off. Disappointing since they bloom once/year.😓 We are having another cooldown this week with one night in the dreaded 30’s.
Botanistix will be participating in the Naples Woman’s Club House & Garden tour. If you are attending, at checkin you will see a very creative grouping of orchids, fresh flowers, plants, gift boxes & our beautiful Botanistix stakes. We are trying to showcase the many ways to use Botanistix stakes for those who have not been lucky enough to find us yet!! While you are on the bus, you can see our colorful ad in the booklet.
You can come see the gardens for yourself at the free orchid meetings which are scheduled 3x month, so grab a friend and sign up (https://www.botanistix.com/botanistix-classes/) or schedule a time for you and your friends that works for you.
I look forward to reconnecting in 2023!!
Health & Happiness!