These are the June projects I have been working on in the yard–
I was gifted a large, mature Brassavola. I chose a tree with the right light, then with panty hose, went to work. I can see the tree from inside the house so when it’s in bloom I can really enjoy it. Brassavola comes in multiple colors, who knows what color this will bloom. Love surprises.. more to follow
I just loaded my front tree with dendrobiums and air plants I have a lot more sun there, so they should be happy. I did not disguise the black pantyhose with moss yet, I am going to let them attach to the tree this summer first. The attaching process was helped along greatly by our tropical storm recently. I also chose to decorate the trunk with a little bit of color from the bromeliads.
Many Dendrobiums bloom here starting in late summer and go through December. A nice long time unless we have a hurricane😩 of course!
In the back yard so much is blooming. Both of my vandas are out, thats always a surprise to me, they require so much attention (which explains why they do not bloom consistently for me!) The glorioso lilies, the morning glory, crepe myrtle, even 2 bromeliads are producing a huge colorful spike that lasts at least 6 months! The beautiful orange yellow flower bulb I bought at the Philadelphia flower show is very happy after being in the ground for 2 years!
Check out the Fall dates (https://www.botanistix.com/botanistix-classes/) for the upcoming orchid club meetings and see them blooming in person. There you will also see how to arrange an orchid or topiary class for your group.
Reach out to me for questions. This is the time of the year, I am in the yard (with the mosquitos) prepping it for next season. Make a plan to come check it out!