I needed to smile yesterday, so I quickly put together this monochromatic sunflower topiary with 2 ladybugs. Its doing the trick, each time I pass it, it makes me happy.
Yes, this is a most unusual Spring. Been so busy cleaning door handles, I almost forgot it’s Easter this week. So in case any of you want to make someone’s Easter, Spring or Mother’s Day special, I am discounting Botanistix.
Please enjoy a 15% discount today through Easter Monday April 13th. If you would like it shipped to arrive for Mother’s day, just let me know what you would like the inside card to say. I will ship it to arrive a few days before.
Just to make you smile, I am enclosing pics from the Longwood Garden Orchid Extravaganza this winter. Pretty Spectacular, right? If you have not been, it’s a special place
with unique outdoor sculptures and lovely botanical shows all year long. Highly Recommend!
If we are doing all we can do to stay safe, it’s nice to be able to get lost in our orchids and plants. We can only clean sooo many closets and drawers!
Until next time, stay well!