Botanistix wants to see how you display and use your stix. Send a photo and we will send you a coupon good for 5.00 off your next purchase.
It was through one of our early clients that Nancy told me she just puts them in a vase and they are the flowers! I loved that. While I was happily staking my orchids, another client said she always puts them in fresh flowers. Of course its a natural, but I was not doing it at the time. I learn so much from my creative clients. We all take something and make it our own. Now, I would like to see how you have made botanistix your own! Email the photo it to Christi@botanistix.com. If you can send it to me in the actual size I will try to put it on the website.
For those of you in South Florida, orchid classes have resumed. If you have never seen orchids attached to trees with bromeliads and air plants, its really tropical beauty. Also, its a nice way to spend a few hours with with like minded people. Its easy to learn and so worth the minimal effort. Botanistix.com has the details.
Happy 2019!
If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
Christi@botanistix.com 201.921.9211