Who would have thought these handblown glass fish would look so great next your orchid blooms? Old time glassblowers like Baccarat figured that out hundreds of years ago! Beautiful glass really flatters flowers. Did you know that fish symbolize feelings, creativity, rebirth, good luck, transformation, health, abundance, serenity, intelligence, happiness, strength, and endurance. That’s a lot of responsibility! The important part is the unique basket weave design of this fish will look wonderful with so many flowers.
My article on orchids in EBella Magazine will be out in November. Please check it out.
For the locals, Botanistix Open House is November 6th. You will see more styles with shells as well as color overall.
9171 Torrefino Court in TerraBella (gate code *4045) in Pelican Marsh. Whoever is around please come by, there is so much to see. The Fall dendrobiums will be in bloom in the trees, which is just an added benefit. Of course we will have tempting sips and dips. Tuesday November 6th 11am to 5.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me.(201.951.9211) christi@botanistix.com