Botanistix is not shipping any holiday hand blown glass stakes after 12/9/24.

Fish & Flowers, a Perfect Match!

Who would have thought these handblown glass fish would look so great next your orchid blooms? Old time glassblowers like Baccarat figured that out hundreds of years ago! Beautiful glass really flatters flowers.    Did you know that fish symbolize feelings, creativity, rebirth, good luck, transformation, health, abundance, serenity, intelligence, happiness, strength, and endurance.  That’s…

Happy Fall!

Nam tristique porta ligula, vel viverra sem eleifend nec. Nulla sed purus augue, eu euismod tellus. Nam mattis eros nec mi sagittis sagittis. Vestibulum suscipit cursus bibendum. Integer at justo eget sem auctor auctor eget vitae arcu. Nam tempor malesuada porttitor. Nulla quis dignissim ipsum. Aliquam pulvinar iaculis justo, sit amet interdum sem hendrerit vitae.